Vice President & Treasurer
Virginia has been the operation Manager for P.D.T & CO. for 25 years and has been married for 58 years. Virginia has a certificate in Furniture Manufacturing Technology and is an electrical assistant to her husband and his business. Virginia has a daughter and grandson who bring boundless joy to her life. She and her husband have provided counseling to families that have lost a child. Virginia’s son was killed in an auto accident at 17 and her granddaughter died at 28 from organ failure. Virginia says, “Without Christ and family support it would be most difficult if not impossible to deal with the loss.” She and her husband have done missionary work in five different countries. They managed large building projects and ministered in the local churches. Bridge of Faith is an inspiration in their heart and passion to help, guide and equip young women to become self-sufficient and find self-worth.
Founded in 1996 by Carol Reza, Bridge of Faith is a 501 (c3) non-profit agency. Tax ID 95-4625811